Hi There,
I am planning to join my mother at your Manthena Arogyalayam.
Before that i would like to give briefly about my mother health condition right now
My mother is having BP and Sugar from last 10 year, recently doctors are saying she is having loss in creatinine and Potassium in urine and she is using medicine for which it is not controlling, My mother is completely disturbed and worrying it may lead to Kidney problem and kidney dialysis.
Can you please let me know if this can be cured or controlled by you.
If i join her will there be a special diet for her or will be the same diet program for all.
Please let me know how may days she has to stay, diet followed and the cost.
I have tired reaching you on
9186232333888, but there was no response.
Will be waiting for a reply.
Regards — Rajesh.K
Thank you for enquiry.
Your problem can be answered in Nature cure, we are available for free consultation from 9 am to 5 pm in all days at Vijayawada Hospital.
if you are living away from vijayawada, kindly download and the fill the clinical assessment and enrollment form and send back to us.
Source: MSR Query