Hello sir ,
Iam big fan of Raju garu as i really like the way he is spreading the truth about the diet and health and i have been following the diet from 6 years .
I have one year old son and he was breastfed till now and want to start solid foods . I follow manthena diet but but dont what to give for 1 year old . Please suggest me the correct diet for my one year old son for breakfast , lunch and dinner . I really dont want to spoil my son with junk food in the market .
Thankyou so much !!
Namaste Ms padmaja,
Thankyou for your interest in our natural life style .
For advice’s related to health ,Please contact dr manthena sathyanarayana raju sir on 9848021122 between 7 an to 10 am .
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Source: MSR Query