Good Morning Sir,I am Monica from Hyderabad. My mother is diagnosed with Glaucoma recently and has undergone Yag peripheral iridotomy on 30-12-2016. But there is no change in the tension values of the eye. She suffers with sudden unbearable headache and loss of vision.May I please know if it is curable in natural ways at Arogyalayam or is it compulsory for undergoing a surgery? | Dr Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Nature Cure Hospital and Research Center
Regarding any health queries please contact our Doctor on 9848021122 from 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday

Good Morning Sir,I am Monica from Hyderabad. My mother is diagnosed with Glaucoma recently and has undergone Yag peripheral iridotomy on 30-12-2016. But there is no change in the tension values of the eye. She suffers with sudden unbearable headache and loss of vision.May I please know if it is curable in natural ways at Arogyalayam or is it compulsory for undergoing a surgery?

Good Morning Sir,

I am Monica from Hyderabad. My mother is diagnosed with Glaucoma recently and has undergone Yag peripheral iridotomy on 30-12-2016. But there is no change in the tension values of the eye. She suffers with sudden unbearable headache and loss of vision.
May I please know if it is curable in natural ways at Arogyalayam or is it compulsory for undergoing a surgery?



Thankyou for your interest in our arogayalam .

We don’t have treatment for Glaucoma at our  arogayalam vijayawada .

So,It is a advice able  to take advice of an allopathy doctor .

Have a nice day,thankyou .

Source: MSR Query