i want to know next health camps | Dr Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Nature Cure Hospital and Research Center
Regarding any health queries please contact our Doctor on 9848021122 from 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday

i want to know next health camps

i want to know next health camps



Namasthe ,

Thank You for contacting us .Admissions will be done twice in a month (1st and 16th of every month) for 15 days (1st-15th day) and (16th-30th). Admissions for one month camps will also be available.more details are given in the link below pls find https://sites.google.com/view/msrarogayalammobileversion1/health-camp?authuser=0

If you have any questions,  please feel free to contact us.

Thank you.

K.Sunil Kumar.
DR Manthena sathyanaryana raju  arogyalayam Booking Team.
Phone: (0863) 2333888

Source: MSR Query