My Father is suffering from ckd disease i.e Kidney function decreased rapidly due to diabetes. Just wanted to check if there is any treatment available to cure this disease. | Dr Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Nature Cure Hospital and Research Center
Regarding any health queries please contact our Doctor on 9848021122 from 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday

My Father is suffering from ckd disease i.e Kidney function decreased rapidly due to diabetes. Just wanted to check if there is any treatment available to cure this disease.

My Father is suffering from ckd disease i.e Kidney function decreased rapidly due to diabetes.

Just wanted to check if there is any treatment available to cure this disease.


Kindly send the latest levels of Blood Urea, serum creatinine levels, and present GFR values, and present medications details.


Source: MSR Query