If you wish to get rid of diabetes completely without any need of tablets and wish to eat fruits and sweets without getting back diabetes, you should prefer to join the 30 days’ camp for a complete grasp of the Natural Living Style and its principles. You will learn special yogaasanas and specific food regimen, have special classes for understanding diabetes, and the daily routine to be followed at home, in the 30 days’ camp. You will learn how to live without getting diabetes again in life. Similarly the 30 days’ camp is useful for those who do not want to suffer from diabetes even if there is such a hereditary risk for them.

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  • Ph : +91-863-2333888

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  • Get Free phone consultation from our doctor on +91 9848021122 ( from 7 am to 9 pm)

Vijayawada Arogyalayam’s

  • Amaravathi Karakatta Road, 3-185 Venkata Palem Post, Tulluru Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India Pincode: 522 237